Annie Clark is a Clinical Psychologist with 26 years experience in Clinical Practice. She specialises in Depression, Anxiety, Health/Sport Psychology, Trauma, Victims Counselling and Positive Psychology. She has a B.A. (Hons) Psychology degree and Master of Clinical Psychology degree. She is a Member of the Australian Psychological Society (MAPS). She is a registered Clinical Psychologist with Medicare, Victims Services, WDO and WorkCover.
Annie provides Counselling, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Schema Therapy and EMDR for Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Trauma, Self-Esteem and Relationship Issues. She is passionate about promoting exercise as an adjunctive treatment for depression and helping single mothers navigate the highs and lows of single parenting. In her spare time, she enjoys running, cycling and going to the beach.
A dynamic public speaker, Annie is available to speak to your company or work team at conferences and retreats on the effect of exercise on depression.
Annie Clark has made several media appearances. She was a featured expert on a documentary on genetics and mental health, "How Can It Be", with Gus Worland. She produced and presented a fitness DVD, "Weight Training: Getting the Body You Want", a 10 week program on exercise for depression on YouTube, and she co-wrote a book on the effect of the Paleo Diet and exercise on weight and mood, "40 Days as a City Caveman". She was featured in the book, "What I Wish I knew About Health and Fitness". Annie has written several articles on mental health for magazines such as Ultra-Fit Magazine and Women's Fitness.
To contact Annie regarding media appearances, please email her at anniefitness@hotmail.com or call her on 0416340670.
Annie currently works via Telehealth sessions on Monday, Wednesday & Friday and face to face sessions at
Randwick Psychology Centre on Tuesdays & Thursdays:
Suite 7, 126-128 Avoca St,
Randwick, NSW, 2031
Phone: 0416 340670